TITLE: Misunnelse (Envy)
Misunnelse (Envy) is inspired by one of the seven deadly sins, seen from a young woman’s perspective of love. Misunnelse (Envy) shows the desire for attention, and the frustration of fighting for what you want and not getting what you want back. It is a struggle against oneself and the wish to not be envious. The costumes are used as an essential tool to get the right feeling in the image, and get the image moving. The performers have a covered body costume, together with stuffed fabric, in a room of fabric that turns into a painting with moving colors. Stills from the movie become self-contained images where the room, fabric and body become one.
Du har ikkje lyst å være min venn en gang (utdrag)
Du vil ikke, og du prøver ikke å forstå mine følelsa.
Æ har vært ditt tidsfordriv. Du e ikkje min venn en gang, æ står og må forklare kem æ e!. Du sku vel ønske, æ va ei dukke eller no, men æ e faen ikkje leken din."